Bettie McCunn

Honored by:Mary Jane McCunn
Brick location:B:15  map

This brick was purchased by those who will forever be grateful to Bettie McCunn for her dedication to her family friends and community. It is a small token of our appreciation for the contributions she has made to this institution and her community. Bettie typifies many women who have passed through the doors of Iowa State University. Without receiving a formal degree she has supported the continuing education of her husband and children by providing a home where learning was expected and encouraged.

She sets an example of community involvement by volunteering in numerous organizations supporting local businesses by "buying at home" and being an independent business owner. Iowa State University and the State of Iowa would not be leaders in education research and the founding doctrines of this country without women like Bettie McCunn providing the backbone for education, dedication and contribution. She is a perfect example of how one person does make a difference at home in your community and at Iowa State University.
