Nellie Stromer Heald

Honored by:Joyce Heald Simpson
Brick location:A:1  map

This is a tribute to my mother, Nellie Anna Stromer Heald, born March 1, 1916. She served as a strong role model in my life and was the inspiration for my desire to be a good student and strive to go to college and graduate. As the first person and woman in her family to attend and graduate from college, she had a high regard for the difference an education could make in a woman's life. Iowa State University and her chosen profession as a home economist had a great influence in her life as a mother and homemaker. I was always impressed that there was a professional way to make decisions regarding choices for one's home and family. She truly lived what she learned as a student in home economics education at Iowa State University from 1932-1937, receiving her B.S. in May 1937.

Nellie continued to be a life-long learner and supporter of home economics through serving as a teacher for the school year 1937-38 and as an Extension home economist from 1938-1941. During the next phase of her life, she represented the profession through work as a 4-H leader and as a judge at the local, county and state levels. Her particular area of expertise was in foods and nutrition.

Nellie also did volunteer work with international students and in her church. My mother, Nellie Stromer Heald, truly is a heroine in my life and has had a profound influence on the person I am today.
