McGlade House

Honored by:The McGlade House Women
Brick location:K:7  map

McGlade House
Elm Hall

A Good Time Was Had By All......

Truer words were never spoken, especially by a group of women who came to ISU between 1972 and 1974 and were thrown together on the first floor of Elm Hall, McGlade House. They linked together, made fast friends, and played hard over the course of the next few years. These links have not been broken.

Though scattered from coast to coast, time hasn't changed the bonds that were formed. Thirty years later, this group is still reuniting on an annual basis around the country. We meet and pick up our conversations as if we were never apart, filling in details, reminiscing, and rehashing past antics. Always, we laugh til tears form, recounting our past at ISU.

We know that we may never pass this way again.

Chris Frerichs Moran
Jeri Lee Duenow
Mary Andersen Getting
Jeanene Rogge Meylor
Marsha Lilly Cory
Diane Stuedemann Claeys
Carol Walter Walsh
Jane Harding Guzman
Cindy Circus Waters
Ida Stroberg Stangl
Jane Bentley Weaver
Kim Stone Brown
Diane Lund Kroeger
