Honored by: | Arthur Schweers |
Brick location: | D:17 map |
Married: June 25, 1941
Spouse: Arthur H. Schweers
Children: Teresa Parmenter, David Schweers, Rita Hughes, Anne Pogge, Catherine Riley, Thomas Schweers, Herman Schweers, Edward Schweers, Cecelia Schweers, Francis Schweers, and Agnes Brott
Elementary: Mercer #3, Adams County Iowa
Secondary: Corning High School Class of 1935
College: Iowa State College, Class of 1939
Graduate Work: Drake University, Northwest Missouri State College, and Southwestern Community College (Total of 15 hours)
Golden Years: Still Learning
Work Experience:
Teacher: Home Ec, General Science and Junior High Social Studies, at Arcadia High School in Carroll County, Iowa (2 years); 7th Grade English and 8th Grade French in Bedford Junior High in Taylor County (1 year); Home Ec., General Science, World History, World Geography, and Economics at Prescott Community School in Adams County (2 1/2 years)
Nutritionist: for the Federal Women, Infants, and Children Program (WIC) (5 years)
Social Work: Domestic Peace Corps, VISTA (1 year)
Volunteer: Wakonda Prayer House, Griswold, Iowa, Cook (3 years); Icarian Research Center, Corning, Iowa (July 28, 1988 to date)
Small Business: Farmer near Lenox, Iowa (43 years); Mabel’s Fabric Shop on Farm (3 years); LTC nsurance (2 years); Mend and Alter Shop, Corning, Iowa (August 1993 to date)
St. Patrick's Catholic Church, Corning, Iowa
Optimist Club of Corning, Iowa
Democratic Party
Adams County Icarian Society, president
Icarian Research Center, director
National Icarian Heritage Society, past president
Adams County Genealogy Society
Corning Chamber of Commerce
Submitted on 2/14/95