Honored by: | Lucinda Stone |
Brick location: | D:12 map |
It may be self-centered to honor oneself but I am quite proud of my accomplishments. Granted, I had help from two very special women in my life, my mother and my sister, but I feel I have grown into a woman that could help others in their struggle in life, especially the business world.
I had worked for some high-powered companies who have tried to discredit me because I was an intelligent woman making it in a predominately male industry (the meat industry). I have overcome personal strife.
I have struggled with business ethics and morals and fought with sexual discrimination and harassment. Still, I feel I have won and came out stronger.
Do I know it all? NO! And I hope I never will. If I were to someday learn all then I would curl up and die because that is what keeps me alive. The constant learning and searching for answers keeps me competitive by keeping my mind alert.
I feel my contributions to helping blaze a trail for the working women in a male dominated industry allows me to honor myself.
Submitted on 7/1/96