Cornelia Flora

Honored by:The Sociology Department
Brick location:PAVER:17  map

Cornelia Butler Flora began a tenure-track appointment in Sociology at Iowa State University in 1994 and held it when this brick was commissioned in 1994. The Department of Sociology is pleased to honor her contributions to the university.

Cornelia Butler Flora served for 15 years as the Director of the North Central Regional Center of Regional Developing, covering the 12 North Central states.  In 2001 she was named Charles F. Curtiss Distinguished Professor of Sociology and Agriculture and Life Sciences.  She was name Emeritus in 2013 and continues her research and teaching.

Submitted 7/1/96; updated 12/18/2013

Paver Inscription:


R. Hamilton      B. Wells
C. Kinney         B. Dobratz
R. Braito          G. Johnson
P. Keith           M. Sawyer
M. Cloyd          N. Naples
W. Harrod        T. Besser
M. Lee            S. Rogers
S. Rombough  C. Flora