AAUW-Waterloo Branch

Honored by:Barb Johnson
Brick location:C:20  map


Born on November 19, 1919, at the Russell Lamson Hotel, the Association for Collegiate Women was formed by the eleven women present. In three months, forty women were meeting in one of the city libraries or a private home. In September of 1921, the name was changed to American Association of University Women. In October of 1983, at the 64th birthday party meeting at Friendship Village, many long-time members agreed that the greatest advantage of AAUW was the opportunity to become friends with educated women with common interests. Through the years our AAUW members have been.volunteers in all areas of society, including church, community and politics. Our legislative programs and resolutions speak to the current concerns of educated women with continuing interests in education, equity, the community, international relations, the arts and humanities, bridging the years and visions for AAUW's founders. In 1922 the legislative program read "create a federal Department of Education." After 58 years of advocacy, this was realized in 1980. In 1935 the Association had an item on the legislative program calling for "legal contraception." In 1971, in Dallas at the convention, a resolution stated "AAUW encourages members and Divisions to work for the repeal of restrictive laws on abortion making abortion legal for those who wish it after medical consultation." In 1995 we continue to work for the "Right to individual choice in the determination of one's reproductive life." AAUW support of the ERA amendment by the membership at the Dallas convention in 1971 was voted nine months before final congressional passage in March, 1972. Through the 70's, ratification of ERA was our goal and in 1995 we continue to work for it.


1995 - "Today's Dreams - Tomorrow's Careers" Third annual Career Day for H.S. Girls and their parents. Very successful.

1994 - Participated in first Division Inter-Active TV Conference. Study topics are Gender Equity Educational Equity and Sexual Harassment Awareness.

1990 - Iowa Division Convention in Waterloo with Cedar Falls as Co-Hosts.

1986 - Cooperated with other groups to stage legislative forums with our elected senators and representatives; this is ongoing.

1983 - Beverly Everett (Iowa Farm Wife) and Vice Chr. of U.S. National Commission for UNESCO here to begin study of Global Dependence. Branch 64th birthday party at Friendship Village with many old and former members in attendance and participating.

1980 - In April Pauline Bassarear died. She was 92 and had taught 46 years 39 of them at East High. In 1974 she was given a 50 year membership plaque. In 1961 she and her friend Wanda Daum were honored with a named grant to the Fellowships Fund. Held a community-wide conference for men and women to examine life style changes and challenges of the "Middle Years".

1979 - Examined legislation concerning land use in Bl. Hk. Co..and-Iowa. Parade of Pastries at Westminster Presbyterian Church for World Fellowship Awards.

1977 - Participated in press conference at the YWCA to show support of ERA. A coalition of 35 Women's groups sponsored the meeting.

1975 - Program "Changes taking place in the school system to break down sex role stereotyping". Sponsored informational panels on federal Title VII funds supporting supplemental programs in desegregated schools. As part of its Bicentennial contribution the Branch compiled a calendar of historically significant events in county history to sell. Studied Corrections Reform nation-wide and state-wide.

1974 - Worked with area Crime Commission on problems of women prisoners at Reformatory in Rockwell City as well as on probation or work release through the district court seeking funds to establish a half-way house for women. Maxine Thorson Chairman of the Fellowships Program Committee of the AAUW Educational Foundation and the Centennial Fund Committee of the AAUW. One of 13 AAUW delegates attending the triennial conference of the International Federation of University Women in Japan. Lynn Cutler elected to a 4 year term on the County Bd. of Supervisors. Diane Brandt elected Iowa Representative of District 35.

1973 - Began to sponsor legislative forms with other groups.

1972 - Iowa Division Convention in Waterloo. AAUW assumed leadership of integration of Waterloo schools. Began with meeting in First Presbyterian Church with other groups.

1971 - Compiled FOOD WITH A FUTURE to provide money for AAUW Fellowship