Betty L. Wells

Honored by:The ISU Extension Community Development Field Staff and the Sociology Department
Brick location:C:5 and PAVER:17  map

Honored by the ISU Extension Community Development Field Staff

Betty L. Wells is being honored by the ISU Extension Community Development Field Staff - Bob Cole, Mary Foley, Clair Hein, Wayne Kobberdahl, Gayle Olson, Steve Padgitt, Cory Peterson, Norm Riggs, Sandy Scholl, Mark Settle, Alan Vandehaar, and Jeff Zacharakis-Jutz


Honored by the Sociology Department

Betty L. Wells began a tenure-track appointment in Sociology at Iowa State University in 1981 and held it when this brick was commissioned in 1994. The Department of Sociology is pleased to honor her contributions to the university.


Paver Inscription:


R. Hamilton    B. Wells
C. Kinney     B. Dobratz
R. Braito    G. Johnson
P. Keith    M. Sawyer
M. Cloyd    N. Naples
W. Harrod    T. Besser
M. Lee    S. Rogers
S. Rombough    C. Flora