Bonnie Oulman

Honored by:Kathie Oulman
Brick location:K:24  map

No one more deserving should have an honored place in the Plaza of Heroines than Bonnie Oulman.

Born in the heart of Iowa into a family the very soul of the State, she came to Iowa State with hopes and plans and so many dreams. Her university experience didn't let her down...she blossomed embracing the ordinary, the new and the risky. All this and then... she met the young man who soon would be her husband, capping those special four years of education. Perhaps with a tinge of sadness, she left campus but stayed in Iowa to teach and give back. Arrival of her daughter, Gwen and son, Spencer completed her family.

In years following, she moved about the country staying a while in the southeast and then returning to the Midwest. She weathered challenges, overcame trials and welcomed the joys of living a full and sometimes complicated life. She taught and counseled and befriended so many in each community she lived. For all that she's received, she's given back two fold. And now she knows the retirement years ahead promise a different yet equally rich and promising journey.

We are so enriched with her presence, her loving attention and her positive spirit.


Submitted on 7/17/2013