Honored by: | Carolyn Cornette |
Brick location: | C:17 map |
The theater gives joy and energy to Brooklyn, NY native Carole Sager Horowitz. She believes that theater gives that same joy energy and enthusiam to children. Because she believes Ames Children's Theater is a reality. Countless children have been and are part of the excitement anticipation and success of quality theater.
Carole Horowitz graduated from Brooklyn College New York with a degree in Speech Pathology and Drama. Had she stayed in Manhattan she may have pursued a career in professional theatre: as a performer an agent a publicist or alternatively she may have opted to have her own practice in speeech pathology. Instead she accompanied her husband Jack to Iowa State University and Ames, IA.
Ames was not Manhattan and the Armory was the extent of the theater district but Carole responded to her new enviroment by sharing her myriad of talents. She immediately became involved in the promotion of arts in Ames and in Iowa and has served on local and state arts related boards of directors each year since she came in 1962. She continues to do so.
She was the first president of the Ames Community Arts Council. She became president of the Ames Community Theatre and president of the state of Iowa Assembly of Local Arts Agencies. As well as providing administrative leadership Carole produced and hosted a radio show for the arts co-produced a university and community-wide presentation of the musical The Sound of music successfully publicized ISU Theater and provided arts commentary for WOI Radio. She continues to be a guest lecturer in Iowa State University courses concerned with Children's Theater and Arts Management.
The list of her accomplishments goes on and on. As an advocate of education and children she has served on many appointed committees for the Ames Community Schools and the city of Ames. Also she continues to be involved with her political party and the Ames Jewish Congregation. Carole's most significant contribution has been as co-founder of Ames Children's Theater. She serves as its program director/production supervisor. Ames Children's Theater is a not-for-profit organization designed to bring live theatrical experiences to children and families in mid-Iowa.
In 1995 she was named a "Woman Who Has Contributed to Social and Political Change." by Story County Women's Political Caucus and was named "Woman of the Year" by Beta Sigma Phi. Currently Carole is serving as public relations consultant for the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences promoting and publicizing Carrie Chapman Catt and Iowa State's efforts to honor her legacy. She is also involved with the Celebration of the 75th Anniversary of Women's Suffrage. Carole and her husband Jack are the parents of two sons Michael and Jeffrey.
Carole Horowitz is ENERGY! Energy for theater for the arts for children for education and for Ames. No one person has contributed more to the development and enjoyment of the arts in Ames and central Iowa than Carole Sager Horowitz.