Carolyn Beth Raymond

Honored by:Scott Raymond
Brick location:PAVER:27  map

As a wife, friend, and business partner, Carolyn has been a supporter, provider, comforter, and challenger. I admire Carolyn's ability to bring people together through humor, empathy, and large doses of reality. Carolyn weaves her intelligence, love of words, and quick wit to put family, business and world issues in proper perspective. Carolyn's personal beliefs and ethics rule her personal family and business relationships. As a language arts teacher for fifteen years, Carolyn was a role model for hundreds of kids – teaching, supporting, comforting and challenging. Carolyn is a paver. She paved the way for students to be free thinkers and creative, she paves the way for our family to be happy and prosperous she paves the way for her parents to be content and joyful, she paves the way for other women by challenging the status quo and setting an example. Carolyn has paved her own way as well by knocking down barriers for women in manufacturing, overcoming health problems, reading incessantly, working hard and having a never ending zeal for doing what's right.

For Carolyn's valuable contributions to me, our sons, her family, our business, her former students and the world.... I honor Carolyn Beth Raymond.

Submitted on 2/10/95

Paver Inscription:

"Carolyn Beth Raymond

Wife of Scott
Mother of Karl & John
Daughter of John & Dorothy

We honor Carolyn for her
paving ways and
her contributions to her family,
her friends, her students,
her business."