Honored by: | J.D. Beatty |
Brick location: | C:16 map |
Carolyn dedicated her life to others: her children, her husband, her patients, her schools, and her church. Whether it was reasoning with an unreasonable son, assisting her spouse to operate the farm, nursing a patient recovering from surgery, helping displaced WWII families find new hope in America, soothing a sick child as the school nurse, or playing the organ at church for forty years, Carolyn was committed to service and to education.
She was optimistic and supportive, never negative and critical. Her background was deeply rooted in astrong work ethic and the belief that "the Lord will help those who first help others." She believed Tennyson's line from MORTE D'ARTHUR: "More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of."
As a mother and nurse she certainly found herself in two of the three most common careers available to women during the first half of the twentieth century: housewife/mother, school teacher, or nurse. She chose, however, to make significant contributions in areas outside these expected "female" roles. She was involved in community activities and raised early concerns about the quality of life for senior citizens, rural health care needs, water quality on farms, soil erosion, etc. She was a strong-minded woman whose influence is reflected in many past, presen,t and undoubtedly future aspects of the small southwest Iowa Community where she lived her life by thinking about the people living around her and how she could contribute to their aspirations.