Honored by: | Marguerite Folger |
Brick location: | G:29 map |
Born July 23, 1914--Died July 9, 1987
Why do you honor your mom? Because she's your mom, right? What other reason can there be? All mothers should be honored, right?
But honoring anyone because of a title is insufficient. It's not enough that she gave us birth, that she raised us from infancy to adulthood. There is more to it. Putting it into words is difficult. What is it about our mother that needs to be recognized?
The single action that keeps emerging into our thoughts is her giving, her selfless service to others. Our mother gave constantly. She gave of her time and energy. She gave of her money. She gave her spirit, her soul, to all she met. She didn't expect anything in return. What she did was enrich the lives of those around her without demanding that they enrich hers in return.
I think at times she wanted recognition for her efforts, but she knew that the reward would come in time, in some form, in some manner. And I think she knew that she might not be the immediate recipient of that reward; that her children would be the ones that ultimately gained from her belief in giving to others. Her reward would come through her children's success and their continuing the gift of service to others.
She died before we got to share so many of our successes with her. She isn't here for us to say "Look, Mom, we're just like you! " And that is why she must be honored. In some small way, this brick will become a symbol of our mother's efforts. For as long as this name is seen by someone, or walked upon by someone, or touched by someone, Mom's efforts are rewarded. We are proud to recognize her life and her service to others!!