Gertrude Dieken

Honored by:Janet Dieken Jackson
Brick location:G:15  map

Gertrude Dieken, an Iowa farm girl, came to the Iowa State campus in 1935 the first woman on the staff of the Extension Editorial Department in Morrill Hall. During her tenure she did graduate study in Technical Journalism and Consumer Economics. (BA Coe College Cedar Rapids magna cum laude Phi Beta Kappa) In 1942, she joined the DuPont Company Public Relations Department in Wilmington, Delaware. From there in 1945 she went to Farm Journal Inc. as the first woman editor of The Farmer's Wife a family magazine within Farm Journal Magazine. Later she established the Book Publishing Division serving as Creative Director. She became the first woman vice president of Farm Journal and the first woman to serve on the Board of Directors. Miss Dieken also was the first woman to receive the American College Editors' Reuben Brigham Award for "outstanding service to agriculture and rural-living through mass communication media." A similar citation was received from Epsilon Sigma Phi honorary Extension fraternity and the National Headliner Award from Women in Communications.

 Her lifelong interest in foreign affairs -- especially the status of women -- led to extensive travel in many parts of the world which she continues since her retirement.
