Honored by: | Kathryn McGrath |
Brick location: | PAVER:7 map |
Wherever teachers are honored, the name of Helen Florene Smith should be included. She was my instructor in Calculus in 1925. She gave dignity and grace to the teaching profession. She was quiet, gentle, composed, and confident.
I was a very young student - a science major - the only girl in a large class of engineers.
Now I realize that, at that time, she was my anchor, and she taught me more than the calculus. Her example was still with me when, later, I was an instructor in a California community college.
Helen F. Smith did make a difference in my life and I am grateful to her.
Submitted on 5/25/94
Paver Inscription:
"Helen F. Smith
Asst. Prof. Math
ISU Retired '53
Died '69 Age 91
Buried ISU Cem"