Holly Thompson Exner

Honored by:Derrick Exner
Brick location:G:22  map

Holly Thompson Exner (1952-1994)

Everything that Holly pursued in her life she did with conviction. An artist to her soul, she wrote poetry and songs that she performed on hand-me-down guitars. Her music and verse bind family and friends, casting the light of recognition on the richness of our relationships. A graduate of Ames Senior High School and New College in Sarasota, Holly was a recurring visitor to Ames where she could be found dancing – in a Barjche' performance or barefoot on Main Street. Trusting in the rightness of the human impulse, she worked for a time with residents of the Story County Home, sharing the joy of movement and spontaneity. Holly married Dean Thompson in 1982. For a decade they lived outside Lawrence, Kansas, planting trees, making compost and raising two fine sons, Skylin and Gavin. Dean's work took them to Lincoln, Nebraska, in 1992 where they set about reestablishing community. Holly died at home of breast cancer in 1994. We continue to feel her love, humor, passion and art in our lives.

Submitted 2/14/95; updated 12/11/2013