Janice Davis Wiersema

Honored by:Barb and Les Licklider
Brick location:B:16  map

Janny, you deserve a place among honored women for being not only my sister but also my teacher and my friend. In fact, I don't know a person who is a better teacher or friend to so many people. We have truly shared our lives with each other. No matter how badly I have ever messed up my life, I can always tell you. You simply listen and don't judge. You are always the first with whom I want to share my joys and triumphs as well as my sorrows and tears. Do you remember all the crazy things we did together in high school, some of which we would still not tell the folks about? Maybe that's why you are such an outstanding high school teacher. You really understand those kids at Cherokee High School. Probably what those who know you in this world will always remember you for, though, is that with you people, always come first. I love you, my kid sister. Thank you for being who you are, making the difference in the lives of others you do, and for sharing your life with me. Your "middle" sister, Barb
