Judee K. Burgoon

Honored by:The Speech Communcation Department
Brick location:PAVER:14  map

Judee Burgoon made her first public appearance as Judee Kathelene Stringer on February 5, 1948. Born in Ames, Iowa where her parents were attending Iowa State University, she was to return to Iowa State for her undergraduate education after growing up in Davenport, Iowa. Following completion of her bachelor's degree with a double major in speech and English and a year of teaching high school in Boone, Iowa, she pursued her graduate education first at Illinois State University, where she completed her master's degree in speech communication in 1972, and then at West Virginia University, where she held an All-University Fellowship while completing a joint doctorate in communication and educational psychology (in 1974).

Since that time, she has held faculty positions at the University of Florida, Hunter, College in New York City, Michigan State University, and University of Arizona. She was also appointed a Visiting Scholar in psychology at Harvard University. Currently (1995), she is professor of communication and Director of Graduate Studies in communication at the University of Arizona. Additionally, she serves on the faculties of the Arizona Executive Program and Executive Development Course sponsored by the University of Arizona's College of Business Administration. Her areas of specialization include nonverbal communication, interpersonal relationship management, dyadic interaction patterns, deception research methods, and public opinion toward the media.

In recognition of her teaching she has received Michigan State University's Teacher-Scholar Award, the Central States Communication Association's Outstanding Young Teacher Award, and University of Arizona's Excellence-in-Teaching Award in Social and Behavioral Sciences. In addition to her teaching experience, Dr. Burgoon has had extensive experience working in private industry, beginning with her position as vice president of Louis Harris and Associates, the New York public opinion and marketing research firm. Over the last 20 years she has been a research and public affairs consultant to such corporate clients as Gannett, USA Today, Scripps, Howard DuPont, and Chrysler. Dr. Burgoon's research and writing credits include seven books and monographs and over 140 articles chapters and reviews on such subjects as nonverbal and relational communication, small group communication, deception, persuasion and argumentation research methods, and media effects and evaluations.

Her most recent books include a revision of Nonverbal Communication: The Unspoken Dialogue (with David Buller & Gill Woodall in press from with McGraw-Hill) and Interpersonal Adaptation : Dyadic Interaction Patterns (with Lesa Stem and Leesa Dillman in press from Cambridge University Press). Her research has been supported by extramural grants from the Army Research Institute Office of Basic Research, the Army Research Office, the National Institute of Mental Health, Gannett Foundation, Gannett Co. Inc., and Associated Press Managing Editors among others. Among her research-related honors are twelve awards for research excellence election as a Fellow of the International Communication Association, election to the Society of Experimental Social Psychology, and designation as one of the 20 most published scholars in the Red of communication. In addition to serving as editor of Communication Monographs, the premier social science journal in communication, she has presented over 60 research presentations at professional meetings and addressed numerous civic, governmental, professional, private industry, and university audiences.


Paver Inscription:

"Speech Comm
Judee Burgoon
Suzanne Z. Kelly
Velma Lashbrook
Susan Thomas Lee"