Kate Titus Delong

Honored by:Beth Henning
Brick location:G:15  map

Kate Titus DeLong (1892-1993) could climb a tree and play a sonata on the piano; scrub laundry on a washboard and delight in the first crocus of spring; pick ditch marijuana for tea and rule her roost with an iron hand.

The 160 acre farm where she raised a family and lived for nearly 70 years was a constant source of frustration and pleasure despair and joy for her. But ultimately it became a place of deep satisfaction and comfort. At the side of her husband she built what is now the family farm securing for us her grandaughters the opportunities the land offers for expressing life as well as making a living.

Donors: Ellenn Henning Livingstone Nancy Henning Vigil Joyce Henning Beth Henning
