Laura M. Shopbell

Honored by:Helen Shopbell Lavin
Brick location:B:18  map

The most positive influence in my growing up was my mother, and she has continued to be my role model all my adult life.

Mother was one of the new generation of working mothers, having gone to work at the beginning of the Second World War as a country-school teacher. She learned to balance the duties of family with work and eventually included church and community volunteer work. After the war, she moved into administration, working both in Osceola and Centerville, Iowa, public schools. Her energy, expertise, dedication and unfailing good-will earned her the respect and affection of co-workers and bosses alike. Lakeview Elementary School is dedicated to her effectiveness.

These characteristics were evident at home also, where she managed with grace to raise two daughters and a son and to be a loving wife to our father. Both Mother and Dad showed us children the virtues they believed in; very little was said, but the expectations were there and from their examples we recognized them. Their love was surrounding without smothering, allowing us to grow into independence, secure in our foundation.

Mother and Dad have shared more than 65 years together. I feel truly blessed to have them with me still.


Mother passed away on May 28, 2007. She was very special to her family and friends, and we still miss her.

Submitted on 4/22/94; updated 11/7/2013