Linda Lea Dial Glantz

Honored by:Linda Glantz
Brick location:G:9  map

A Heroine of Exceptional Integrity by Lisa Glantz

 My mother Linda Glantz is a truly exceptional woman. She left my father nearly 10 years ago which took all of the strength she had. She was honest with herself that she needed to change her life. Since the day that we left I have seen my mother blossom into a strong, talented, beautiful woman--my mentor. She has taught me that love is more powerful than all else that is in the world.

When we left the farm that July morning we left almost all of our possessions. We took some clothes and some keepsakes--love was the only thing we had to go on. My mom has risked a lot by helping some of my friends out of really tough family situations. She spoke to one of my friend's family about her eating disorder--risking her friendship with my friend. She is a mother to all of my friends. She has helped them with homework, prom dresses and even dried a few tears.

My mom likes to take long walks after a hard day at work to ease her mind and to free her soul of the burdens of every day life. A good nature hike or an afternoon of planting flowers is her mental release. A relaxing evening of reading books or staying up late and laughing with my friends and me are her favorite past times. My mom has worked hard all of her life to be the best woman she can possibly be. She has also had some major let downs with love and her business Linda Glantz Interiors.

However she has not let these experiences get her down. In fact I think that they have only made her stronger and given hera reason to fight longer and harder the next time around. Her positive attitude toward life and an unbeatable soul have earned her a heroine status in my book of life.
