Margaret I. Liston

Honored by:Her Friends, and Gladys D. Spencer
Brick location:PAVER:27, D:12 and H:8  map

I am pleased to join with others who are honoring Dr. Margaret I. Liston, Distinguished Professor Emeritus at Iowa State University, with a tribute in the Plaza of Heroines.

I hadn't planned to study in the Family Environment Department when I came to ISU to enroll as a graduate student, but Margaret Liston intervened. She was the first faculty member I met when I started through the registration line. She expressed so much interest in my career plans that I couldn't pass up a chance to take one of her classes. I wanted to study housing but hadn't realized I had so much to learn about the socioeconomic and psychological aspects of the subject.

Dr. Liston introduced me to new ways of thinking about housing and I've been hooked on housing ever since. Dr. Liston's teaching philosophy brought out the best in me. She had high expectations and a gentle way of encouraging me to develop my own strengths. I am grateful for what I learned while working as her graduate research assistant for two years. I also appreciated her support and guidance while she served as my major professor for my master's thesis.

Margaret Liston was my teacher, mentor and friend. She generously shared her life with my husband and me. I will always treasure the memories of two summers we lived in her house while she was coming and going on summer assignments. We had many stimulating conversations on her screened back porch. It was a wonderful place to think, write, read, and relax. Margaret Liston made a tremendous difference in my life and the lives of countless others. I count it a high privilege that I knew and worked with this remarkable woman.

Mary Yearns
Associate Professor and Extension Housing Specialist
Iowa State University

Miss Liston had the ability to stretch one's mind. All interactions with her were learning experiences. She was committed to each of her students, to guide them successfully to completion as long as the student was committed to that goal. She gave of herself tirelessly. Her knowledge of the field was a valuable treasure.


Paver Inscription:

"Margaret I. Liston, PhD
Professor and Department Head
Family economics and management

Mentor and interdisciplinary scholar extraordinaire, she... honored earlier scholarship while embracing the future gave unselfishly with grace extended friendship broadly lived life with good humor

We honor her life and example"