Martha Anderson Stahl

Honored by:Marvin A. Anderson
Brick location:H:18  map

* Born in Ames, Iowa, June 14, 1950
* Educated in Ames Public Schools, Simpson College, and Iowa State University. B.S. Home Economics General Education, 1972
* Married Hal Stahl June 10, 1972. 
* Three children: Jodi, Joel, and Brian.

Martha and Hal Stahl were married shortly after their respective graduations from college - she from ISU and he from Simpson College. During a four-year period after their marriage, Hal was a teacher and coach at Ballard School in Huxley, Iowa. Martha had employment in an Ames bank, and during the summer period both were involved in hybrid seed corn production in the Aplington, Iowa, area. This led to his full-time farming in the Aplington area -- an enterprise that called for Martha's active participation in several of the field operations. The responsibilities of homemaking and rearing three children during uncertain crop and income periods was a new challenge for Martha, a city-reared person. Her optimistic personality and her participation in the Aplington community provided a focus and meaning as a mother, a business partner and community leader. Martha's community roles were identified in school bond issues, the local Food Bank, in the community service program SHARE and as a girls 4-H Club leader. During the entire period, she has been very active in her church.


Paver Inscription:

"Julia Faltinson Anderson
Marietta Bamble Anderson
Mary Anderson Wislocki
Martha Anderson Stahl"