Virginia Hunnicutt Hershey

Honored by:Catharine Fruth
Brick location:PAVER:32  map

Virginia Hunnicutt Hershey, my mother, was Warren County Girls 4-H Chairman during the 1940s and 1950s. She started as an assistant leader in 1940 and was active for over fifteen years. During some of those years, she and her committee kept 4-H going in spite of changes in the extension office. The Warren County annual report for 1951 informs us that, "Mrs. John Hershey chairman of the girls' 4-H committee was responsible for a large share of the program of girls' 4-H work since Mrs. L_ T_, Home Economist, was here only three months of the year."

Mrs. Hershey was awarded an honorary 4-H membership and a leadership award by Warren County. She helped with Rally Day, 4-H camp, and the county fair many of those years. Many of the programs listed her as presiding at Rally Day. She often led the singing as well.

My mother was, and still is, my inspiration. She was a lady in the old-fashioned sense of the word, a stately lady. As a young woman she taught school. During the depression she held our family together gardening and canning much of our food and always had extra for people who asked for help. She made things we needed during the depression and continued to knit, crochet, sew, and make quilts all of her life. My brothers and I are so proud of her and grateful that she was our mother. Her generous openhanded Quaker values and a love of learning, which she shared with my father, have guided me all of my life. Mother became my friend as I grew up.

- Catharine Ann Hershey Fruth


Paved Inscription:

Warren County
4-H Chairman"