Plaza of Heroines

Welcome to the Plaza of Heroines

The Plaza of Heroines is a mosaic of bricks and granite pavers forming the entryway to Carrie Chapman Catt Hall on Iowa State’s central campus.

The center of the plaza features a large granite paving stone honoring Carrie Chapman Catt, a distinguished alumna of Iowa State’s class of 1880, leader of the U.S. women’s suffrage movement, crusader for international peace and an advocate for the expansion of women’s rights throughout the world. Surrounding that stone are smaller granite pavers and bricks that honor more than 4,000 women who have made an impact on individuals, families, communities and society.

Plaza bricks

Honor a woman

To honor a woman on the Plaza of Heroines, submit an order today or contact the Carrie Chapman Catt Center for Women and Politics for more information.

To update the profile of a woman you have previously honored on the plaza, email the Catt Center with your changes.


Browse by last name

F.Templeman, Jane Fagan, Sandy Faheem, Sehba Fairchild, Ellen E. Faler, C. Yvonne Fall, Kimberlee Fanslow, Alyce M. Farland, Patricia Farner, LaVonne Farrar, Eugenia Farrell, Jane Haselton Farrell, Susan B. Farris, Patricia E. Morden Fassel, Hester Fassel, Mary K. Fast-Haugen, Marjorie Jean Faulkner, Esther C. Faulkner, Shannon Fausch, Ruth Halverson Fee, Jean Fee, Lucile Feehan, Muriel Fehr, Elinor Lee Otis Fehr, Mary Catherine Flynn Feinberg, Lilian O. Feisel, Dorothy Feldhaus, Carol Feldman, Marie Isabelle McLaren Felland, Dorothy E. Felton, Ferne Whetstone Fenske, Mary Oglesby Ferguson, Dorothy Fernandez, Sara Dominga Ferree, Yvonne Estelle Schmidt Ferry, Julienne Obrecht Fessler, Karen Feyerherm, Ann E. Feyerherm, Ruth Fiechtner, Claire Fimmen, Mildred Day Wharton Finck, Barbara H. Fink, Deborah Finkenbinder, JoAnn Fiorina, Carly Fischer, Lucille Fish, Marleen M. Fisher, Mary E. Fisher, Maxine Gail Swanson Fiske, Janet Murray Fitch, Grace Dewey Flaschner, Maura Fleig, Mary E. Fleischmann, Dorette Fleming, Grace B. Fleming, Mary Lou Fleming, Merle Wilna Fleming, Rose Basuk Fleming, Therese Fisher Fletcher, Ann L. Fletcher, Cynthia Needles Fling, Marguerite Obermeir Flogstad, Ida Flogstad, Sylvia Flora, Cornelia Flora, Susan M. Florine, Charlotte M. Fohn-Hansen, Lydia Foley, Mary Alice Ford Foot, Lois Whetstone Forbes, Wanda M. Force, Alicia Force, Emily Force, Jo Ellen Hitch Ford, Eda Lillian Wilkins Ford, Teri Forker, Barbara E. Formaro, Sheila R. Formico, Janet Forssman, Dorothy Forsyth, Dorothy Smith Forsythe, Charlotte L. Forsythe, Lesley Kay Forsythe, Sherry Forte, Valeria Fosmark, Ethel Foster, Edith G. Foster, Mary L. Foster, Mary Whelan Foster, Mildred Emmick Fowler, Frances Holmes Fowler, Gwendolyn Wilson Fowler, Mary Jean Stoddard Fox (Zimmerman), Julie Ann Fox Davenport, Ann Elizabeth Fox, Mary Lee Morhauser Frahm, Mary Fraker, Mildred Cynthia Francis, Patricia Ann Franck, Vivian H. Frank, Beverly A. Frank, Helen A. Frankel, Mika Lee Franzen, Susan Fravel, Barbara Elsie Hoffman Freden, Hazel Nee Westerlund Frederickson, Cindy Frederiksen, Amy Madson Frederiksen, Barbara Hall Frederiksen, Edna Faaborg Frederiksen, Jeri Abel Frederiksen, Joanne Bireline Frederiksen, Linda Sunnes Frederiksen, Melanie Madson Frederiksen, Rachel Madson Fredregill, Ruth H. Rothfus Fredrickson, Patricia A Freeman, Charlene Schnack Freemyer, Rebecca Ann French, Ethel Lovett French, Mary Catherine French, Nancy Kay Frevert, Rita Lundt Friedan, Betty Friedman, Ann Bucksbaum Friedman, Donna Coates Fritsch-Wheeler, Mary Lou Dahl Fritts, Faith B. Fritz, Ethel Mae Hendrickson Fritzsche, Rebecca Fromm, Gertrude Fromm, Katherine Barber Fruehling, Carol Brown Fry, Lavina L. Fuhr, Elizabeth Fuhrmeister, Anna Hromatko Fuller, Emily Fuller, Susan Fulton, Rachel Fung, Annie Fung, Sui-Tong Furgerson, Betty Jean Furman, Lola Mae Muhlenbruck