Plaza of Heroines

Welcome to the Plaza of Heroines

The Plaza of Heroines is a mosaic of bricks and granite pavers forming the entryway to Carrie Chapman Catt Hall on Iowa State’s central campus.

The center of the plaza features a large granite paving stone honoring Carrie Chapman Catt, a distinguished alumna of Iowa State’s class of 1880, leader of the U.S. women’s suffrage movement, crusader for international peace and an advocate for the expansion of women’s rights throughout the world. Surrounding that stone are smaller granite pavers and bricks that honor more than 4,000 women who have made an impact on individuals, families, communities and society.

Plaza bricks

Honor a woman

To honor a woman on the Plaza of Heroines, submit an order today or contact the Carrie Chapman Catt Center for Women and Politics for more information.

To update the profile of a woman you have previously honored on the plaza, email the Catt Center with your changes.


Browse by last name

Cable, Crystal M. Cable, Jeanne Putsch Cade, Ginger Caffrey, Karla Cain, Becky Caldwell, Pauline Arrasmith Cale, Irene Jobe Calhoun, Lois Lindsey Callahan, Margaret Kull Callahan, Sandra Camp, Amy A. Campbell Tonelli, Kelly Campbell, Bonnie Campbell, Kristen Campbell, LoAnn Campbell, Mildred E. Campbell, Patricia Ann Campbell, Rev. Sarah Ellen Campbell, Sharon Hutzell Campos, Mary Capodanno, Ann Ellen Carberry, Pauline Hruska Carey, Lynne Carlson, Clara May Speck Carlson, Helen Rudloff Carlson, Ilene Marie Carlson, Inez Carr Carlson, Jolynne Marie Carlson, Louise W. Carlson, Marcia Keeney Carlson, Milianna Nadine Carlson, Patricia M Carlson, Sarah Carlson, Susan Carmack, Virginia Carr, Donna L. Carrell, Patricia Limoges Carroll, Helen Horton Carstens, Lenita B. Heath Jordan Carter, Esther L. Carter-Hoard, Wilma Carter, Phyllis E. Cartwright, Alice Marie Cartwright, Liza Weigel Cartwright, Sally S. Carver, Ardis Hereim Carver, Linda Ann Miller Cason, Carolyn Casteel, Violet Grittmann Cato, Shirley Jackson Binger Catt Center, Carrie Chapman Catt, Carrie Chapman Centennial Culture Club Central College Women Cerra, Sharla Cesler, Alice Cessna, Ethel Chadderdon, Hester Chadwick, Inez Marian Chamany, Parvin Chambers, Elizabeth M. Chambers, Louise A. Champion, Kelly M. Chance, Judy Ann Skarison Chandler, Beatrice Mary Star Chandler, Sandra J. Chapman, Sharron Kay Allen Charles, Anne Charlton, Adriane Leigh Charlton, Gloria Wakefield Chase, Dorathy E. Chatterton, Sue Isenberger- Cher, Connie S. K. Cheville, Anne Michelle Cheville, Beth Clark Cheville, Julie Beth Chilton, M. Chau Ching-Ling, Soong Chivers, Margaret Fowler Chizek, Blanche Rose Chizek, Rhiannon M. Christensen, Bernice Mullins Christensen, Ellen M. Berg Christensen, Isabel Pesek Christensen, Janeth Reid Christensen, Marie Larsen Christensen, Marlys Busick Christian, Elverna E. Christiansen, Janet Ann Chrystal, Lora Leigh Cink, Jan M. Cinnamon, AutoShelly Lynn Clappier, Elizabeth M Clark, Janice M. Clark, LaRue Parkhill Clark, Marian Clark, Mary Edith Helton Clark, Nancy M. Clark, Stephanie Clark, Virginia Secor Clarke, Beth Clarke-Koehrsen, Lisa Clarke, Mary Frances Class of 1945 Clausen, Lillie Mae Williams Clawson, Jeanne Larson Clayborn, Michelle Louise Cleavenger, Charlotte A. Clem, Judith Paulsen Clem, Mary A. Clemens, Monique Cleveland, Kathleen Clevenger, Margaret Svenson Cliff, Lori Cottington Clifford, Catherine E. Clift, Eleanor Clinton, Hillary Rodham Clithero, Mary Jane Cloyd, Mary Coady, M. Michelle Coady, Mary Anne Coats, Catherine E. Dodds Cobb, Dr. Nancy Hill Cockerham, Patti Said Coe, Michelle Ann Coffeen, Grace Easton Coggeshall, Mary Jane Whitely Coldiron, Shelley Jean Cole, Bernice Cole, Ethel Cole, Julie Carson Cole, Mary Lou Jeep Cole, Opal A. Coleman, Anne Margaret Coleman, Charlene Collier, Elsie Ginger Collier, Lydia (Schreckengast) Collins, Lois Smith Collins, Pamela Louise Collins, Patricia Collison, Margaret Helen Davis Collison, Maxine T. Colvin, Barbara Lea Thomas Colvin, Miriam E. Kimball Colvin, Sonya Marie Peterson Compton, Dorothy Neubert Compton, Elizabeth Rose Compton, Sara Bailey Comstock, Karen Werner Comstock, Krista Marie Comstock, Marie Pippert Conkey, Caroline E. Conklin, Mae E. Chumbley Taylor Conlin, Roxanne Barton Conn, Ruth Connor, Carolyn P. Connor, Kathy R. Connors, Joyce Consbruck, Betty Byrnes Constantine, Elsie Conyers, Chris Cook, Catherine M. Cook, Doris J. Cook, Evelyn S. Cook, Mary Carole Williams Cook, Mary Ione McGregor Cooke, Elaine O. Coolmom, Natasha Coon, Elizabeth Strand Coon, Rhonda Lynn Fulcher Cooney, Patricia Cooper, Beth Cooper, Carol Ann Cooper, Mary McLaughlin Coover, Frances Potter Copeland, Martha M. Corbin, Carolyn Smith Corbin, Paula Corcoran, Margaret Josephine O’Connor Cordery, Stacy A. Corkery, Ruth Dingman Cormack, Jean Cornette, Carolyn C. Corning, Joy Cory, Susan Cosgrove, Cordelia Cosgrove, Kelly Cosgrove, Malora (Montag) Cosgrove, Tracey Cothorn, Marguerite Esters Cottington, Gertrude Cottington, Janet Cottington, Minnie Peterson Cotton, Therese Cottrell, Julie K. Coulter, Vesta Heaston Courtney, Bessie Lee Courts, Minnie Mae Smith Groves Couture, Ina Ham Covault, Cathryn Jo Cownie, Ivadelle Cobb Cox, Amy Erusha Cox, Arlyn Verploeg Cox, Gertrude M. Cox, Jane Cox, Mary Barbara Hebner Cox, Ruby Chingren Coxon, Alice Gates Craft, Adeline H. Mertes Craig, Kathryn Lynn Craig, Kay Swanson Craig, Suzanne Kathryn Cramer-Fagan, Edna M. Crandall, June Crandell, Marie Seymour Crandell, Virginia Crawford, Amiee Crawford, Angela Crawford, Avon Crawford, Frances Crawford, Mary Catherine Hagarty Crawford, Pamela Myatt Crawford, Rachel K. Crawford, Rebecca Crawford, Shirley Jacob Crawley, Margee Renee Crawley, Ruth M. Creswell, Ruth E. Geiter Cronin, Vera Wiley Crosbie, Karol Cross, Dorothy Jeffreys Crouse, Janis M. Crow, Carol Ann Shierholz Crowley, Candy Crull, Sue R Culey, Lynn Elaine Nock Cullinan, Florence H. Culver, C Cummins, Sarah Baird F. Cummisford, Patricia Diane Cunnick, Joan E. Cunningham, Dale Weyand Cunningham, Erma M. Cunningham, Rosa Currey, Nell Currie, Venita Marie Curry, Katherine Beauvais Curtis, Elizabeth M. Custer, Carole Ann Cutrona, Mary Nigro Cutrona, R. Virginia